Flexymint: Expense Tracker

by Mohammad Khalid Ibrahimi



Managing expenses can put anyone in complete control over financial needs and allows them to reach true financial freedom. Managing daily expenses can be very hard using the traditional way of pen and pencil or Microsoft’s Excel software, at the end of the month/week analysis based on that data is sometimes incorrect, hard, and time-consuming task and also decision making based on that is not always accurate, so for that reason, I’m going to introduce my new Personal Finance App which can track and control your daily/weekly/monthly expenses, and can have some awesome other finance features, this App will take care of this all digitally and accurately. The app can manage and track daily, weekly, and monthly expenses. Users can add a purchase, modify and remove the purchase in the app. Can see this week/month and the previous months history of purchases. Can search a purchase in the history, also can apply a filter to the search to show specific purchases. Can also generate useful reports and insights about the expenses, so that users can understand them visually and more efficiently. The best thing that this app will offer is the Limiter which user can set their weekly/monthly limits, and also can change the limits in Limiter. What the Limiter does is notify the user if the limit has been reached and the Limiter can also be available on the home screen of the app that can keep track of the limit easily for the user. Not only User can track their expenses but can also similarly track their income, User can add an income of various categories, the income will come up with the available balance that the User has in their wallet, similarly while adding any transaction (Purchase) the amount will be minus from the total balance in the wallet.- Add a new expense- Add a new income,- Mark Expenses or Incomes as a recurring transaction- Modify a purchase,- Remove a purchase,- See this weeks expense history,- See this months expense history,- See the previous months expense history,- Search a purchase in the specific history,- Apply filter to the search in the specific history,- Search a purchase in all records,- Set a weekly/monthly limit that can notify users visually and by notification.